Getting Started


node (>=8.11.3), gulp, shelljs, git-scm and a unixy-style shell or the terminal app.


To install:

$ npm i -g bookiza

Check installation with:

$ bookiza --version


Next, register Bookiza client with:

$ bookiza register

Provide your Bubblin credentials to connect Bookiza client to manuscript POST/PATCH API. Sweet!, you're all set now… 😇

New Project

To start a new project my-awesome-new-book:

$ bookiza new my-awesome-new-book --leafs 12 --template novella

Bookiza will set-up a new project with 12 fresh leafs (24 pages) and apply the novella layout on the book. Boom!

cd into my-awesome-new-book, and start the development server with:

$ bookiza server

Open the project on your favorite editor (Visual Studio / Sublime / Atom), write away. Watch changes to your manuscript at https://localhost:4567 as you develop your story!

Publishing and Updates

Once the tome is ready, hit:

$ bookiza publish

Boom!, your book is live.

CLI Glossary

Complete vocabulary is available with:

$ bookiza --help

View the project structure at